The Glenn Creek Nature Preserve Alliance was organized to facilitate the purchase of a two-acre watershed which is an important part of one of the largest undeveloped areas in Decatur, Georgia. It includes a forest, a creek, wildlife and native plants

On December 22, 2004 the City of Decatur completed the purchase, using 90K from the Governor's Greenspace Program and over 65K raised by the Glenn Creek Nature Preserve Alliance.

The primary goal of protecting this land in perpetuity has been accomplished, as stated in the deed at the closing, "Property will be used in perpetuity as a nature preserve and that it will remain in its natural undeveloped state, subject, however, to the right to initiate stream bank and forest restoration consistent with the preservation of the Conservation Values of the Property. Limited access to the Property shall be over pervious trails during daylight hours for the purpose of walking, bird watching, wildlife viewing and such other similar passive activities which are consistent with the objective of preserving and maintaining the Conservation Values of the Property.

To view the history of Glenn Creek and much more, check out Tim Bryson's website.